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Cobra (1982-1983) | Japan | Japanese animation

The anime

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Inspired by Jean-Paul Belmondo, James Bond, as well as Spaghetti Western movies, Buichi Terasawa created the Cobra character in the late 70s, a space adventurer chased by the powerful Pirate Guild. Tired of being hunted, he had his face changed and his memory erased. His past life however resurfaces when he randomly meets Captain Vaiken, the head of the Guild, and reveals the Psychogun hidden in its left arm. Together with his partner Lady Armaroid, Cobra will go on new adventures.


A rock 'n' roll hero, Cobra is a macho who teases half-naked girls as often as he shoots on ennemies. It is hard to find him without a cigar. Extremely popular, the manga sold in 30 million volumes in Japan only. Rumors of a cinema adaptation have been entertaining the myth for years.

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